About Us

A voice for Family,  A Voice for Values, 

What is the CDP ?

The CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (CDP) is Australia’s only registered national Christian political party. Although it is registered as a political party, it operates on non-party political lines. The CDP was founded by a group of caring Australian ministers with high ethical values based on the Christian values and ethics. 
The aim of its members is to promote the common good by endorsing responsible, long-term goals, and not short-term gain.

Our Structure

The Organisational and Parliamentary wings of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) each have clearly defined and separate roles. In the CDP, the Organisational wing does not dictate policy but rather consults with and advises the Parliamentary wing policy issues.

Organisational Wing

The Organisational wing is based on the Party’s paid membership of supporters with members across Australia. The NSW Head Office is responsible for:


  • – The CDP’s Party Platform – the broad statement of Christian fundamental beliefs
  • – Pre-selection of the Party’s candidates for elections
  • – Management and conduct of election campaigns
  • – Fundraising

Parliamentary Wing

The Parliamentary Wing is made up of Federal and State Parliamentarians. Currently in the NSW Upper House we have Rev. Hon. Fred Nile MLC and Hon Paul Green. 

It is responsible for:

  • – Representation of electorates held by CDP Members of Parliament
  • – CDP policies, strategies and parliamentary priorities guided by the principles contained in the Constitution and CDP Charter

Principles & Policies

To find out more about our Principles & Policies please click the link below


Our Plans for the Future Involve Expansion of Our Advocacy Into Grassroots Community Advocacy.

advocacy group for families.

We believe that the institution of the family is the most important pillar of society. We reject any attempt to redefine or the nature of what is a family, and remain firm supporters of the needs of mothers, fathers and children.

advocacy group for churches

With the legal system beginning to reflect an increasingly secular world, churches have a voice to protect their religious freedoms and their ability to preach openly. Secular political parties cannot make this guarantee, however the Christian Democratic Party can.

advocacy group for the community

Increasingly our local community is coming under pressure from Big Government and Big Business. The Christian Democratic Party is the values-based party that will defend the interests of locals concerning issues such as building over-development, coal seam gas mining and the building of mosques.

We believe that political decisions should be made on most local level, so that the interests of the local community affected are properly represented.

Meet the Leadership Group

Our People

Rev. Hon. Fred Nile MLC ED LTh MLC

Federal President of the CDP

Annie Wright

CDP State Director

Thomas Harris

CDP Board Secretary

what do you need?

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"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol

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