Our Policies

Law and order is a foundation of society’s social order and business confidence. As such it needs to be balanced with a moral social code, effective law enforcement, and an efficient judiciary and a wisely governed penal system that seeks to restore convicted persons where possible to good contributors to society. Including a fundamental position of ‘One law for all’.

The economic decisions made for a community determine the financial well-being of each person in that community. A healthy economy is one where people are able to get a meaningful and sufficiently remunerated job that allows a balance between work and non-work times. CDP holds to ensuring a healthy environment for business to start and grow, ultimately contributing to job growth and a stronger economy for the country

Quality education is fundamental to a prosperous and equal society. Education must be about instilling life skills and training students towards life beyond the education system capable of diverse career choices. The so called 3R’s (Reading, Writing & Arithmetic) and parental rights to have a say in their children’s education must be foundational of the education system. CDP supports Special Religious Education (SRE) and Scripture classes as a mainstream option in our schools, and a basic right for children to explore the faith of their family. Equal access and protection for Christian Tertiary Education, removal of Safe Schools and Gender ideologies.

Human survival globally is dependent upon the natural world. We are called to be stewards of the environment, ensuring the right balance is struck between the good and sustainable use of the earth. This means we support sustainable use of the envrioment, proper conservation and to ensure biodiversity. Our living world is the environment in which we live and we must live with the consequences of how we manage it. Economic paradigm of maximising exploitation of the natural resources must be balanced with a caretaking and sustainability paradigm.

The responsibility of a civilized society is to care for the vulnerable, marginalised, elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged. In Australia this has been managed through policy of a safety net which needs to be sustainable and fair and available for those who genuinely need it.

It is imperative that every family has a place to call home – a place that provides stability, security, safety and a nurturing connection to family and community. The development of housing affordability in Australia has historically been maintained by housing supplied through the government department – Housing Commission, which successfully housed the population over two generations in affordable adequate housing. The abandonment of this to economic rationalist market forces (private developers) has resulted in the housing affordability crisis. We believe a return to government housing department focussing on building (as opposed to it currently being a rental facility) is essential to first home affordability. A review of the government charges on land developments is urgently needed.

Truth in labelling: We purchase products that are packaged influenced by the words written on the label and as such this information must be able to be depended upon. We will pursue policies for accurate labelling of all packaged products and appropriate health disclosures.

The CDP is for jobs in the community. We support local industry, local jobs,  and “build it here”. We believe a fair economy and society is one where each person who wants a job can attain one at a fair remuneration. The CDP understands the importance of a strong economy that facilitates jobs for the people of NSW. CDP proactively works to advocate for jobs growth for the state and vote according to this value. We also want workplace regulation to support the Anti-Slavery Act introduced by the CDP.

The beginning of life:

We affirm that human life begins at fertilisation, and therefore should be given legal protection throughout all stages of pregnancy. We have many concerns with the foetal stem cell research; though there may be some potentially good health outcomes we believe that there can be better outcomes from the adult stem cells without the anti-rejection drugs being needed.

The unborn child rights must be protected and cannot be overridden by societies current use of abortion as a form of birth control and as such the permitting of Medicare funding of abortions must cease.

Parents who, for whatever reason, find that they cannot raise a child that they are expecting will be encouraged to use either foster care or adoption services instead of the path to destroy live via an abortion.

The creating of life:

We strongly support the rightful and balanced education on the subject of sex which includes the responsibilities related to sexual outcomes, the establishing of personal abstinence parameters, the respect and dignity of friends and potential partners and or spouses. We believe that the confusion of gender as per the so called Safe Schools Programs and Respectful Relationships Program are unhelpful to all vulnerable young people and must be removed from our education system completely. We believe that the promotion of fidelity within marriage is a strong target for all children to aim for as it will enhance the cultural underpinning in society.

We will support pregnancy crisis counselling services that offer practical help and assistance to establish strong and positive pro-life alternatives for pregnant women.

The end of life:

Every person will face death at some point of time and while to some – death will come suddenly others will transition towards death after a serious illness from which recovery is not possible. Such persons need strong and deliberate palliative care that must become available to all Australians, no matter where they live. The historical suffering that accompanied the pathway towards death is no longer necessary as we have developed good and wholesome palliative care that can and will deliver a sustainable and pain free death with dignity and wholesomeness. We therefore demand greater funding for the full rollout of palliative care throughout all of Australia. This care should be deliverable either in one’s home or in a medical facility as required.

There are those that desire euthanasia for they have no eternal value on life and consider humanity to be merely a life form of equal value to the plants that grow in our world. They claim that dying with dignity can only be achieved with the deliberate act to end a patient’s life.

We oppose any form of euthanasia, whether active (such as with an injection) or passive (such as by withdrawing food and water), whether voluntary (with the consent of the victim) or involuntary (without the consent of the victim). Euthanasia is never health care under any circumstances!

Health Care should be available, accessible and affordable.

The CDP is committed to ensuring we do everything within our power to ensure NSW delivers a first-class health system for the broad population cities, urban and regional population.

Each nation needs to manage its immigration so that there is a balance of visitors and immigrants that will contribute positively to the nation. In the last several years we have seen a rise in immigration that has outpaced infrastructure and potentially affecting housing affordabilityhealth affordability, and employment declines, and a strain on the social security system resulting in community disquiet towards some new immigrants. This has the potential to change the character of the Australian society. Immigration needs to be carefully managed, taken on the advice of demographic experts and not growth economics.

The Christian Democratic Party believes in the rights of Nation-States to enforce their borders. It is the right of Nation-States to decide who enters and by what means they do so. On this basis the Christian Democratic Party is opposed to illegal immigration. Asylum Seekers may apply via the proper and appropriate channels, illegally violating our borders threatens our national security as well as their own lives.

The general purpose of the Defence Forces is to defend the national interests and it needs to be fully equipped with modern and effective equipment and operating systems. The Defence Force, as all other departments of government, must comply with the same laws of all Australians. The Defence Forces should not be used against Australian citizens, except in the case of internal terrorism or anti-democratic groups. The primary function of Defence Forces is to protect the citizens of Australia. When necessary the Defence Forces may assist in national emergencies. All contracts to embrace a “Build it Here” first approach.

There is real social and economic value to have strong infrastructure programs of roads, bridges, hospitals, airports, water ways and power supply be steady and affordable. It is pertinent to remember that projects should be planned to facilitate future generations, not just short term objectives. One of the huge imperatives must be that all infrastructures must become accessible to all of the population, especially the elderly and to those with disabilities. Where identified by expert advice, that urgent implementation of recommended infrastructure safety systems be prioritised as soon as possible after identification of access and safety concerns.

The traditional marriage between one man and one woman has held a special place in the life of our communities for centuries and it seems unwise to discard this unique definition of marriage. It is also notable that this traditional man/woman marriage is supported by non-religious groups, atheists, and throughout all faiths, and as it represents a broad section of the population, should be protected as a proven contribution to social and democratic stability. We do note the changes that have been made to the Marriage Act and we are carefully examining the full consequences of this decision.

Numerous studies have proven that Gambling has a negative social impact related to the associated addictions, financial deprivation of dependents and criminal aspects. The social and socio-economic downsides are significant enough that a robust examination of the gambling industry is warranted, considering; raising age access limits, advertising restriction in line with tobacco, and increase poker machine revenue return % to the community.

Tourism is vital to the NSW economy, contributing billions in revenue and supporting thousands of jobs throughout the sate. We need to continue to strengthen the tourism and event sector, so we attract domestic and international visitors. The NSW Government needs to continue its investment into this industry, especially into regional NSW. So visitors are attracted to all this state has to offer, such as our beautiful coastlines and country towns.

The CDP recognises that a reliable, safe and functional transport system is essential not for the car and public transport users that travel to work each day, but also for the visitors who come to visit and explore NSW. The transport portfolio also extends to freight routes, maritime users, and the maintenance and growth of our road networks. The CDP advocates for an affordable, safe and effecient transport system that imrpoves and grows with foresight to meet the needs of NSW.

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