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Willoughby North NSW 2068

Predators of Chipmunks

The chipmunk is a variety of ground squirrel found in North America and Asia. There are 16 different species, all of which share the common characteristic of facial stripes. Although their size varies from species to species, all chipmunks are relatively small, making them the ideal prey for larger predators.

American Badger

American badgers have black or brown fur with white and black stripes adorning their little faces. With a soft, plush-looking appearance, you could think that badgers are a friendly mammal species. However, Badgers are known for being quite aggressive and can be fierce when fighting predators. American badgers are predators themselves, preferring to eat small animals over vegetables, which they do eat occasionally. Chipmunks, toads, frogs, snakes, lizards, birds and insects make up the bulk of their diet.

Red Fox

Red foxes have a very distinctive appearance due to the bright color of their fur and interesting markings. Most of the red fox’s body is a red or burnt orange color, while black covers the lower parts of the legs and the tips of the ears. The chest and the tip of the tail are bright white. Foxes eat almost anything they can find, including chipmunks, berries, worms, frogs, and nuts. Because of their exquisite hearing and agile reflexes, foxes are very adept at hunting. They store excess food by digging a hole, stockpiling the food there, and then uncovering it later to eat.

Screech Owl

Screech owls get their name from their loud, piercing calls, which make the owl easily identifiable. Screech owls are a nocturnal species, so they sleep during the day and come out at night to hunt. Although small birds only 7 to 10 inches tall themselves, screech owls prey on other small creatures using their sharp talons and strong beaks. Their diets consist of shews, moles, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, and even some species of birds.

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Long-tailed Weasel

Long-tailed weasels get their name from the impressive length of their tails, which are about half the size of their body length. They eat many kinds of rodents, from chipmunks and mice, to voles and rabbits. Occasionally, they eat other small animals, like birds, frogs and insects. Long-tailed weasels have reddish-brown fur and yellowish stomachs during the summer, but their coats change in the winter to keep them warmer and camouflaged. During the winter months, their coats become much lighter, so they are better able to hide in the snow.

What is the CDP ?
What is the CDP ?

The CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (CDP) is Australia’s only registered national Christian political party. Although it is registered as a political party, it operates on non-party political lines. The CDP was founded by a group of caring Australian ministers with high ethical values based on the Christian values and ethics. The aim of its members is to promote the common good by endorsing responsible, long-term goals, and not short-term gain.

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