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Non-Hockey Player Scores $55K with a Shot NHL Pros Couldn’t Make

It turns out Canadians are just naturally ridiculously good at ice hockey.

A Montreal fan became $55,000 richer when he nailed an incredibly tough shot from the other side of the rink at an NHL game.

Making it all the crazier? The guy doesn’t even play hockey.

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Patrick Proteau won tickets just to be at the Canadiens v Detroit Red Wings game on Saturday, and then was plucked out of the crowd for a fan competition during the second intermission.

He had three shots at goal to win prizes, getting more and more difficult. He hit the first one, winning a mini-fridge, before missing from the middle of the rink which would’ve won him season tickets.

Then came the third shot from behind the opposing blue line – approximately three quarters of the way to the opposite goal to the one he was shooting at, basically. Making things worse, the hole in the goal he had to hit was barely bigger than the puck itself.

And yet, he nailed it, earning $50,000 Canadian dollars.

“They offered me a hockey stick, left or right?” Proteau said. “I don’t know. I don’t play hockey.”

“It was beginner’s luck. I didn’t think it was going in.

“It was going in slow motion, and then I was wondering where (the puck) went until everyone started cheering, and then my jaw dropped.”

Proteau understandably plans on taking his family on a holiday with the money, given Montreal will only get above freezing temperatures on three days over the next week.

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But then being around all that snow is probably why he won the money, so it all works out in the end.

Non-Hockey Player Scores $55K with a Shot NHL Pros Couldn't Make

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