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Willoughby North NSW 2068

Mixing Calcium Chloride and Water

Calcium chloride is a chemical compound made up of calcium ions and chlorine ions. The ions are held together by an ionic, or weak salt bond. Mixing calcium chloride with water is an exothermic reaction, which means that the combination of the two substances releases heat. Thus, when you add calcium chloride to water, the solution heats. When adding calcium chloride to water, hydrochloric acid and calcium oxide form. You must be careful when mixing the substances due to the heat of the reaction and the acid produced.

Step 1

Fill a glass chemistry beaker halfway with water.

Step 2

Add the calcium chloride one gram at a time.

Step 3

Stir the solution slowly with a glass stirrer until the calcium chloride dissolves.

Things Needed

  • Glass chemistry beaker
  • Glass stirrer


Do not stir the solution too quickly, as it can add to the heat of the solution. If the solution splashes out of the beaker, it can burn you.

Do not touch the solution with your bare hands. The solution will contain hydrochloric acid. If you get any solution on your hands, wash them thoroughly with water.


  • “Chemistry: the Central Science”; Theodore E. Brown, H. Eugene LeMay, Bruce E. Bursten and Catherine Murphy; 2008
  • “Practical Chemistry Labs: A Resource Manual’; Leonard Saland; 1989
See Also:  Examples of Chemical Weathering
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