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Explore the Surreal Realms of Four Aussie Surfing Legends Discover Their Favorite Spots and the Biggest Waves Yet

The feats of surfers are often hardly believable, even when standing on the beach and watching their incredible manoeuvres with your own eyes.

The World Surfing League is back for another season on Fox Sports and we sat down with Australia’s best surfers and asked them to take us inside their surreal worlds. asked four Aussie stars the biggest wave they’ve ever ridden, their gnarliest wipe-out, and their favourite spot when there are no crowds.

Strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!

Foxtel Group and the World Surf League have announced an expanded broadcast partnership that will see all 2024 WSL Championship Tour events broadcast live on Foxtel and Kayo Sports. New to Kayo? Start Your Free Trial Today >

Explore the Surreal Realms of Four Aussie Surfing Legends Discover Their Favorite Spots and the Biggest Waves YetThe World Surfing League is back for another season on Fox Sports and we sat down with Australia’s best surfers and asked them to take us inside their surreal worlds.Source: FOX SPORTS


Age: 33

Hometown: Gerroa

Best WSL season finish: 2nd (2010, 2011, 2012)

Biggest ever wave?

Tie-breaker for Sunset or Fiji on one of the lead up days there was really big swell, I think it was the first year we were going to surf it, we had this week beforehand and it was eerily big swell and we didn’t really know the wave too well so everything was eye-opening.

One of my support coaches at the time, Dan Ross, was really confident in big waves and he was really calm too so he would just paddle out and he wouldn’t really say much but just his presence was like, ‘OK we’re going to calmly work our way through this’.

Then Sunset I just remember paddling out and I got really lit up, like I didn’t think there was a bottom at Sunset, I thought it was deep and you just keep going and I hit the bottom and I was like ‘I didn’t know this place had a bottom’. Then I had to paddle back out afterwards. It’s paddling back out after you’ve had a huge wipe-out or ridden a big wave, it’s like ‘ahh am I gonna do that again’. It’s just this huge feeling of getting back on the horse. Even sometimes when you’ve made a great wave it’s like ‘is there gonna be another one as good as that or was that the ceiling? Can I just appreciate that feeling and go in?’. But often it’s about the reps and getting them in.

There’s just so many parts to the wave (at Sunset), like it can come from the west direction and you’re in the line-up and you just can’t escape it and you feel like a really little mouse and you’re trying to paddle around it and you just can’t get there. Then some of them have a current that tows you into the line-up, so it’s like someone grabs your feet and you’re paddling as hard as you can but it’s just pulling you back to be right underneath the scariest wave ever. But it’s an adrenaline rush and we all like to challenge ourselves.

I usually ride my bike down and the moment I hop back on my bike and know I’ve survived the session, I just feel so at peace and I ride home and just lay there to get my energy back.

Those two locations, and being on bigger boards, different equipment, it’s all super challenging but pretty rewarding when you get it right.

The majority of our surfing, as performance tour surfers, is a lot of it is up to six feet, like just overhead, and so it’s more the progressive and technical surfing but there’s a whole other league when you go to big wave surfers and they put their life on the line every time they paddle out, so gotta respect the ocean.

Biggest ever wipe-out?

I’ve been known to have quite a few, not intentionally, but I’ve had a lot of wipe-outs in my career and it sort of becomes your story, the resiliency part of it all, you can’t really predict when it’s going to show up like that you have to hurdle something or there’s some big dead end or adversity or wall to climb over. When you hit it, it’s like, ‘OK it’s here, what can I do about it’ and I think the biggest one was definitely in Fiji, in a heat at cloudbreak, to perforate my whole eardrum and blow the whole eardrum out. I just remember it was a really loud popping noise and then it was just ringing and the pain was shooting down my throat and I was thinking, ‘what’s that, I’ve never had that before’, then I was still disoriented and trying to find my board and I just couldn’t find it.

The heat was still going so I was just thinking ‘I’ve got to get back out and get another wave’. I went to grab my board but it wasn’t there. I thought I was grabbing at my board and it wasn’t going in my hands and I was just like ‘woah, something is wrong’. Then I looked at the boat and thought it was swaying but I was just disorientated.

But I progressed through the heat because I already had scores.

The medical team assessed me and were like that’s super dangerous but we can tape it up and if you can tolerate the pain you can compete. So I passed enough of the tests and the hardest thing was I went back out there and I looked like Joel Selwood with all the tape and only one of my eyes was really seeing what was going on and I was just like ‘OK I don’t know if I can do this’. Then I just remember paddling back out and my dad was like ‘this is pretty serious’ so he jumped in the line-up and was caddying and I just remember first wave I caught, I got to the end of the wave and just put my hands in the air, and it was like a two-point ride, and I looked at dad and was like ‘yeah dad, I stood back up’ and he was like ‘yeah go for it’ and then history wrote the rest where I progressed all the way through and won it. But yeah it just narrows your focus on what’s possible, the whole wounded warrior story.

The hardest thing was (that) the final was the next day so I had all the adrenaline come down and vomited all night and it was like my Rocky moment, you couldn’t replicate it if you tried.

Perfect conditions with just you and your mates out, where are you surfing?

That’s such a hard question, because you almost rule out all the iconic waves because the line-ups are so dense for a free surf, there’s 300 people out there.

There’s this misconception of the law and order of the line-up that we’re going to get right of way because we’re professional surfers, but it’s not the case. Every person that paddles out, they have the right to be there so you’ve got to battle it out to be in position. It’s like being back at the Woolies deli counter, you’ve got to take your ticket.

But if I want to really relax, with my mates and nobody around, I don’t actually care what the wave is. It could be the smallest little grovelly wave, I could be on a twinny or a soft top or anything if everyone is in the same energy. Surfing for me is a very peaceful feeling, so if that intensity is driven from people trying to cut the line and take too many waves it drives up that reaction and I find it’s not as pure. Like a crowded snapper line-up, people are just surfing people, so if they’re looking for a wave they’re looking at people wondering if they’re going to fall off, they’re not looking at the actual wave.

I prefer just appreciating waves, the other day I was out with a mate and there was no one else around and a lot of close-outs but the coolest little shapes to the wave, little close-out tubes. Secret spot down south. Cows on the hill, sea eagles and dolphins and we paddled out and were waiting for ages then this really beautiful set came and we were so happy not to be on it, we were just like ‘look at that wave’. It was just an empty wave that looked so pretty and I think that’s pretty rare nowadays.

I don’t care about the wave quality, I’d rather chase the feeling.

But if I had to name one area, it’d be the far south coast, NSW.

Explore the Surreal Realms of Four Aussie Surfing Legends Discover Their Favorite Spots and the Biggest Waves YetICHINOMIYA, JAPAN – JULY 27: Sally Fitzgibbons of Team Australia is pictured before the women’s quarter final on day four of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at Tsurigasaki Surfing Beach on July 27, 2021 in Ichinomiya, Chiba, Japan. (Photo by Ryan Pierse/Getty Images)Source: FOX SPORTS

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Age: 31

Hometown: Mereweather

Best WSL season finish: 10th (2023)

Biggest ever wave?

I’d say Hawaii but everyone probably says Hawaii.

There’s a few moments I’ve had down the south coast of NSW, one place just south of Wollongong and another place a bit further south just past Ulladulla. Same swell but different waves and I don’t know if they were the biggest waves I’ve ever taken off on but they were the biggest waves in Australia so it made it a bit scarier because I feel like in Hawaii you get desensitised to the size a little bit. But here it was huge, I remember just looking up at one and thinking that’s the biggest wave I’ve ever been on which was pretty scary,

So much goes into paddling out to it, seeing it, turning around and putting your head down but when I actually got to the bottom and looked up, it looked like a telegraph pole, it was probably 12 foot or something.

You always know if you want to go or not, there’s definitely some waves where you think, I don’t want anything to do with that. But if you’re in the right mindset, you’ve just gotta put your head down and just go and hope for the best.

Biggest ever wipe-out?

I have been lucky enough not to have a really severe, life threatening wipe-out, which is a good thing. But I’ve definitely had some beatings, I had a pretty bad one in Tahiti back when I was probably late teens, I got pretty smoked. I just misread this wave and fell off, the wave wasn’t even that big but I got slammed into the reef.

When you fall, sometimes the wave turbulence will pick you up and take you again and then there’s this weightless feeling where you just don’t know what you’re going to hit. Hopefully you hit water but you can’t control it and depending on how you’re falling, if you were head first you cover your head and sometimes you can starfish to make it a bit less impactful.

Normally you just hit water and keep tumbling but this time I just hit straight reef and got cuts all down my arm and ribs and winded myself pretty badly which isn’t too pleasant. I got to the beach and went to the ambulance and in true Tahitian fashion they just sat me down and opened a drawer full of cut up limes to sterilise it and that was probably the worst part, just getting scrubbed with lime. So yeah that was probably the worst wipe-out. I’ve had broken legs before but they were more trying airs and landing awkwardly.

Perfect conditions with just you and your mates out, where are you surfing?

So many options. I think probably Indonesia. There’s a place in the Mentawai (Islands) called Macaronis, that’s probably my favourite, or a wave close to that called Greenbush. If it was just me and my mates that’s probably where I would be, on a boat. That would be the dream.

Explore the Surreal Realms of Four Aussie Surfing Legends Discover Their Favorite Spots and the Biggest Waves YetTEAHUPO’O, FRENCH POLYNESIA – AUGUST 13: Ryan Callinan of Australia paddles out on August 13, 2023 in Teahupo’o, French Polynesia. Teahupo’o has been hosting the WSL Tahiti Pro event for over two decades and will next year host the surfing event for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. (Photo by Ryan Pierse/Getty Images)Source: FOX SPORTS


Age: 30

Hometown: Cronulla

Best WSL season finish: 9th (2022)

Biggest ever wave?

I’m not that much of a charger but probably Sunset in Hawaii, it gets real big over there and would have had to have been 15 foot but nothing more than that. But it’s still really, really, really scary. As a kid I was shit scared of big waves. It’s funny now because when I was a kid I looked at the guys on the tour surfing in Tahiti and Pipeline and I remember thinking I don’t think I’d ever be able to do that, but here I am doing it.

I think just being amongst it and getting involved makes you more comfortable and then you just do it over and over again and you kind of just understand you’re not going to die and find the positives out of it.

Big waves in competition is a cool mindset that I put myself in because it’s the best place to push yourself and challenge yourself to potentially get the best wave of your life and if you get the worst wipe-out of your life at least you’ve got the best water safety around you.

Biggest ever wipe-out?

Start of last year the event at Sunset I went and did a turn on a pretty big wave and as I was coming down the wave the water, I don’t know if it was the turn I was doing kind of twisted me as I was falling down this 10 foot wave and it twisted me so my chest was facing the water and my back was facing land and as I was coming down I came down with the lip and whiplashed on the bottom and it knocked me out and I was underwater. I don’t actually remember what happened from when I hit the water until when I came up. My jersey got ripped off me and it was wrapped around my hand and I was like ‘how did that happen’. Jetski came over and picked me up, board was in pieces, I went to the channel and the guy was like how many fingers am I holding up and it was so blurry I couldn’t see and I was like ‘is it really bright?’ and he was like ‘it’s not that bright’. My coach in the channel, he couldn’t see the wipe-out because he was out the back, so he was like ‘you’re alright, get back out there’. Turns out I had a concussion and he felt horrible for sending me back out there. I kept going and by the time I paddled back out my neck was so stiff that I couldn’t move it but the heat ended and I went and saw the medical and had cuts and bruises all over me and the doctor was like ‘yeah you’ve got a concussion, you’re done for two weeks’. It was pretty crazy.

Perfect conditions with just you and your mates out, where are you surfing?

We’re going to Fiji, Cloudbreak. Glassy and six foot and nobody around and just trading barrels and screaming at each other and having a few tins afterwards to celebrate.

Explore the Surreal Realms of Four Aussie Surfing Legends Discover Their Favorite Spots and the Biggest Waves YetTEAHUPO’O, FRENCH POLYNESIA – AUGUST 13: Connor O’Leary of Australia paddles out on August 13, 2023 in Teahupo’o, French Polynesia. Teahupo’o has been hosting the WSL Tahiti Pro event for over two decades and will next year host the surfing event for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. (Photo by Ryan Pierse/Getty Images)Source: FOX SPORTS


Age: 26

Hometown: Sunshine Coast

Best WSL season finish: 8th (2021)

Biggest ever wave?

Sunset Beach. That place is crazy. It comes from deep water and it’s the biggest walls you’ve ever seen and sometimes you can’t get around them because they’re so big and so fast. I can’t specify exactly how big but it was probably like 12 feet that I’ve surfed at Sunset, on a seven-foot board sitting very far out to sea.

It’s full commit, full send and weirdly a lot of those waves don’t feel as big as what they look and vice versa, sometimes they don’t look as big as what they feel. That’s just the way the ocean works, sometimes there’s double up waves and the takeoff can be gnarly and then sometimes it can be fat or you can take off and it just grows down the line depending on the swell direction.

It’s scary but you don’t think about it too much to be honest, it’s fight or flight and if flight kicks in you’re screwed and you’re going over the falls.

Biggest ever wipe-out?

It was the morning of the first year the girls were on at Pipe, 2022. Paddling out for a warm-up surf before the heats and it was very big and I was very scared so I made sure I hung wide as I paddled out. As I got to the line-up I was very confident I was out of the impact zone, very naively. I had a helmet on, and inflation vest, and I see this bloody wave coming from so far out to sea and I’m just paddling as hard as I can and I paddled in the wrong direction, I should have paddled straight out but I paddled wide so I didn’t get enough for a chance to get out far enough and this 10-12 feet wave landed smack bang on my head and usually I bail but I tried to duckdive it because I panicked. Sometimes if you duckdive just as it hits you it bounces over you, but not on a 12 foot wave.

Anyway it was so violent I snapped my board in two, broke my leg rope and my helmet broke. I hadn’t even caught a wave.

I had to psyche myself up for the heat, which I actually got through. But that was very traumatic. I didn’t do a concussion test but I probably should have my brain got rattled that much. It’s funny because it wasn’t even a takeoff wipe-out, it was just me paddling out and it was the most violent wipe-out I’ve had.

Perfect conditions with just you and your mates out, where are you surfing?

We’re going to Lakey Peak in Sumbawa, Indonesia. I had a contest there one year, two people out and it was six-foot perfect, the best contest I’ve ever had in my life and if I could relive that and have a few people out there… it’s like this perfect right and left so you can split the peaks with your mates too.

Then around the area there are so many beautiful spots to surf.

All Challenger Series events as well as the Bells Beach Longboard Classic will be streamed live on Kayo Sports as well as Fox Sports where scheduling permits.

Explore the Surreal Realms of Four Aussie Surfing Legends Discover Their Favorite Spots and the Biggest Waves YetSYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – MARCH 24: Isabella Nichols of Australia competes in the women’s semi-final of the Sydney Surf Pro at Manly Beach on March 24, 2019 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)Source: FOX SPORTS

Explore the Surreal Realms of Four Aussie Surfing Legends Discover Their Favorite Spots and the Biggest Waves Yet

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