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Creative Music Science Fair Project Concepts

To quote Bob Marley, “When the music hits, you feel no pain.” On that note, a music-related science fair project is a fun alternative for those who do not have fun with science fairs. Not only will you have fun with it, but there is potential to create meaningful results. After all, music is something everyone can relate to. Different types of music have different impacts on the brain and the nervous system. Here are three ideas that can blow away the competition at any science fair.

Does Techno-Music Reduce IQ?

Recent studies have shown that the persistent beats in techno/electronic music are found to reduce a person’s IQ with extensive listening. In this unique science fair project, you can compare IQs between those who listen to techno-music and those who don’t. Have a test group of about five individuals who will listen to nothing but techno-music for a week and a control group who listen to other types of music. Before the week-long study starts, have them all take an IQ test. After a week, have them take the test again to see if the studies are valid.

Music and Drawing

Select five songs from five different genres of your choice, and play them to a small group of five to ten people. For each song, have the group members each draw a colored-pencil picture of something that comes to mind. Based on the results, try to see if there is a correlation between music and the way people draw. This does not necessarily mean to purely focus on the subject they draw–also consider drawing style (sharp, jagged corners or smooth curves, etc.) as well as color types. This project could help illustrate the different types of personalities music genres have.

See Also:  Experiments Illustrating the Second Law of Motion

Music and Personality: Is There a Correlation?

This is an interesting science fair subject, because it can show the extent of music’s effect on our lives. Take about six people, and tell each person to listen to one genre of music for a week. Make sure everyone is listening to a different genre from the rest. You can use friends and family members. Strangers are not recommended, because there is no way to monitor their use. After the week is over, ask each person a series of general questions, i.e., how their week went and how they are feeling. Make sure you ask each person the same set of questions so that your answers will remain consistent. As they are answering, take special note of their body movements, voice tone and facial expressions. If there is a distinct difference in these characteristics compared to a week earlier, then there is a correlation between music and personality. Otherwise, their personalities would have been strictly enforced by themselves.

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What is the CDP ?

The CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (CDP) is Australia’s only registered national Christian political party. Although it is registered as a political party, it operates on non-party political lines. The CDP was founded by a group of caring Australian ministers with high ethical values based on the Christian values and ethics. The aim of its members is to promote the common good by endorsing responsible, long-term goals, and not short-term gain.

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