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Converting 5/6 to a Mixed Number or Decimal

People use fractions, mixed numbers and decimals often, without even thinking about it. For instance, when you see a sale price, you might mentally calculate the savings by transforming a percent into a decimal, then into a price. Cooks use fractions when calculating recipes. In fact, much of life involves fractions, which may be expressed as a mixed number – indicating wholes and parts of a whole – or as a decimal. Take 5/6 as an example; then you can generalize the process to other fractions.

1. Divide Improper Fractions, if Present

Convert the fraction 5/6 to a mixed number by adding the understood number in front of the fraction. A mixed number is any whole number with a fraction portion. If the upper number – the numerator – were bigger than the lower number – the denominator – also known as an improper fraction, you would divide the denominator into the numerator and calculate how many times it goes in, resulting in a whole number. The remainder, what is left after creating your whole number, is then expressed as a fraction over the original denominator. But 5/6 is a proper fraction with a larger denominator. In this instance, there is an understood “0” in front of the fraction. Expressed as a fraction, 5/6 = 0 5/6.

2. Write the Mixed Number

Write 5/6 as the mixed number 0 5/6. Leave the 0 off unless specifically notating a mixed number, however.

3. Convert the Fraction to a Decimal

Divide the numerator, 5, by the denominator, 6, to express the fraction 5/6 as a decimal. You can do this on either a calculator or using long division by hand. The answer will equal 0.83333 with the number 3 repeating endlessly. This is known as a repeating decimal.

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4. Write the Decimal Out

Write the answer as “0.83” with a bar over the 3, representing a repeating number. Alternatively, in some cases you may round the number down or up – although this will be less accurate – or write the 3 out to a given decimal place. For instance, rounded down, the answer is 0.83 or even 0.8; written to three decimal places, the answer is 0.833.

5. Convert as a Fraction

Use the rules for converting a fraction to a decimal by finding a number that, when multiplied by the denominator, results in a multiple of 100. Multiply both the numerator and denominator by this number, then write down the numerator, inserting a decimal one space from the right for each zero in the denominator. If the number will not evenly divide into 10, 100, 1,000 or higher, as in 5/6, approximate the number to multiply with. For instance, use 17 to multiply 5/6. The result is 85, and there are two zeros in 100. So, the answer is 0.85 – fairly close to the actual answer. Notate properly to answer.

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What is the CDP ?

The CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (CDP) is Australia’s only registered national Christian political party. Although it is registered as a political party, it operates on non-party political lines. The CDP was founded by a group of caring Australian ministers with high ethical values based on the Christian values and ethics. The aim of its members is to promote the common good by endorsing responsible, long-term goals, and not short-term gain.

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