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Chilling Simpsons Olympic Prediction Becomes Reality in Pyeongchang

IT IS getting beyond ridiculous now.

The Simpsons have predicted the future yet again with another scary foretelling of the future at the Winter Olympics.

The TV series, which has famously foretold the election victory of US President Donald Trump back in 2000, has added another chapter to their impossible streak of Nostradamus-like predictions — this time at the 2018 Games in Pyeongchang.

Fans of the hit cartoon were left stunned all over again when it was pointed out the show correctly foretold an American team would win the curling gold medal with a victory over Sweden in the gold medal match.

The bizarre storyline appeared in the episode “Boy Meets Curl” from season 21 of the show, which first aired in February 2010.

Chilling Simpsons Olympic Prediction Becomes Reality in PyeongchangHomer and Marge competing for gold at the Winter OlympicsSource: Twitter

Eight years later the storyline came true in real life when the American men’s curling team overcame Sweden 10-7 in a dramatic final on Saturday.

It is just the second time America has won a curling medal at the Winter Olympics.

It wasn’t a complete slam dunk prediction.

The Simpsons’ curling team featured three men and one woman, including lead characters Homer, Marge and Principal Seymour Skinner, but the Curling event was staged in Pyeongchang as separate men’s and women’s competitions.

The Show also failed to include the embarrassing moment the winners of the men’s event were handed the women’s curling medals during the medal ceremony at the Gangneung Curling Centre.

Still, it didn’t stop Simpsons’ creators from spruiking their latest true prediction after their impressive foretelling was first reports by ESPN’s Darren Rovell.

Simpsons producer Rob LaZebnik and executive producer Al Jean both took to Twitter to trumpet the shows uncanny ability to predict the future.

As far as Simpsons predictions go, it’s not even one of their most far-fetched prophecies.

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In December, the show’s bizarre 20-year prediction that Walt Disney would take over 21st Century Fox also came true.

An episode that aired in 1998 displayed a 20th Century Fox sign, with the note “A Division of Walt Disney Co” underneath.

Chilling Simpsons Olympic Prediction Becomes Reality in PyeongchangThe Simpsons predicted this high-stakes corporate take-overSource: Twitter

Two decades later, Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox agreed to sell its entertainment businesses to Walt Disney in a groundbreaking $68.3 billion deal.

It is another example of what many Simpsons fans’ claim is the long-running show’s uncanny ability to peer into the future.

The hugely popular show, featuring the trials and tribulations of the famous Springfield family, is also credited with telling viewers about the role smartwatches would play in our lives in an episode aired in 1995, when Lisa’s fiancee talks to a phone on his wrist.

The show, which is currently in its 29th season is also said to have seen Greece’s financial misfortunes, which have resulted in a bailout by the European Union.

Chilling Simpsons Olympic Prediction Becomes Reality in PyeongchangThe Simpsons predict Greece’s recession.Source: Twitter

The Simpsons movie, which was released in 2007, also appears to have predicted American’s National Security Administration drama involving Edward Snowden.

In 2013 Snowden revealed the extent to which the US government was monitoring the phone and internet records of its citizens.

But it had all been seen before by Simpsons fans, when the NSA locates Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie by listening into one of their conversations.

Creator Matt Groenig and his crew have also been given credit for pointing out the danger faced by entertainers Siegfried and Roy.

Chilling Simpsons Olympic Prediction Becomes Reality in PyeongchangThe Simpsons predict an ugly conclusion to Siegfried and Roy’s Tiger actSource: Twitter

In a 1993 episode Montgomery Burns opens a casino after Springfield decides to legalise gambling. In one scene of the episode a routine that spoofs magicians Gunter and Ernest turns bad when Gunter and Ernst are attacked by their tiger.

Ten years later Roy Horn was mauled on stage by a Bengal tiger, leaving him with serious injuries and ending their long-running show.

Chilling Simpsons Olympic Prediction Becomes Reality in Pyeongchang

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