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Willoughby North NSW 2068

Science & Technology

Understanding the Frequent Volcano Eruptions in Iceland

Understanding the Frequent Volcano Eruptions in Iceland

Volcanoes are both terrifying and magnificent phenomena to behold. In Iceland, they’re simply a natural part of life that the residents have learned to live with. The about 130 volcanoes in the country are one reason it’s known as the…

The Shining Light in the East Is Not a Star

The Shining Light in the East Is Not a Star

Has something bright in the Eastern sky before dawn caught your eye? Recently, has it been shining brighter, rising a couple of hours after dark, and remaining visible until sunrise? You might think it’s a star at first glance, but…

What Is the Weight of Clouds? It Varies by Type

What Is the Weight of Clouds? It Varies by Type

From cirrus wisps to stratus blankets to cumulus puffs, clouds generally look lighter than air, unless there’s a dark nimbus cloud dumping rain on you. With an understanding of how clouds are made, we know that they consist of a…