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Calculating the Volume of a Cylinder in Ounces

The cylinder is one of geometry’s most basic forms — essentially a series of circles stacked on top of each other. While geometric circles are two-dimensional (and thus have no “depth”), cylinder size in the physical world is calculated by assuming that each circle is one “unit” high. A measurement in fluid ounces is easy to calculate, requiring only one extra step beyond calculating volume in cubic inches.

Step 1

Measure the cylinder diameter in inches, then divide by two to derive the cylinder’s radius. Multiply that radius by itself (i.e. square it) and then multiply by pi (3.141) to get the volume of a circle 1 inch high.

Step 2

Multiply the volume of that circle by the cylinder’s height in inches to get the cylinder’s displacement in cubic inches.

Step 3

Multiply the displacement in cubic inches by 0.554 to convert it to fluid ounces.

An Example Calculation

As an example, we’ll calculate the ounce displacement of a cylinder measuring 3 inches across and 6 inches high. We’ll first divide the diameter (3) by two to get the radius (equals 1.5), multiply this by itself (equals 2.25), and then multiply by 3.141 (equals 7.067).

Next, we’ll multiply 7.067 by the cylinder’s height (6) to derive the displacement in cubic inches (42.4). That displacement in cubic inches multiplied by 0.554 gives us a displacement in fluid ounces of 23.5.


  • “Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook”; Myer Kutz; 1998
See Also:  Calculating the Sum of Squared Deviations from the Mean (Sum of Squares)
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What is the CDP ?

The CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (CDP) is Australia’s only registered national Christian political party. Although it is registered as a political party, it operates on non-party political lines. The CDP was founded by a group of caring Australian ministers with high ethical values based on the Christian values and ethics. The aim of its members is to promote the common good by endorsing responsible, long-term goals, and not short-term gain.

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