Physical Address
Suite 5, 181 High Street,
Willoughby North NSW 2068
Physical Address
Suite 5, 181 High Street,
Willoughby North NSW 2068
When getting a price based on area, like carpet or painting services, you may get a quote based on square meters. To figure out the cost per square foot, you can use a simple conversion factor.
Simplify the price to the price per a single square meter. This is done by dividing the given price by the given number of square meters. For example, if the price is $100 per 10 square meters, it would be reduced to $10 per square meter.
Divide the price per square meter by 10.764. This gives the price per square foot. For example, if the cost is $10 per square meter, this would work out to 93 cents per square foot. The price per square foot should always be significantly lower than the price per square meter.
Multiply the price per square foot by the area the service or product will cover. This will give the total price for that product or service. In the previous example, if your area is 120 square feet, the total price would be $111.60. Price per square foot should only be multiplied by an area in square feet.