Australian Capital Territory
CDP endorses senate candidates in the ACT for Federal Elections.To ensure the voice of mainstream, conservative Australians in the ACT is heard through supporting pro-family and pro-life issues, CDP endorses senate candidates in the ACT for Federal Elections.
Membership of CDP is now open in the ACT. You can download a paper form here, or join online.
If you’d like to be involved in forming an ACT Branch, please contact [email protected]
For 35 years the CDP has stood for Aussie values and traditions, job and national security, industry protection, infrastructure enhancement, better healthcare, workplace equality and One Law for all Australians.
The CDP will launch National Federal Election campaigns in Canberra as announced from time-to-time.
ACT Membership Now Open
CDP are officially launching in Australian Capital Territory, and we're hoping you will help us and join in this new vision for Christian Godly government in our nation's capital. You may have seen us on WIN News at our recent rallies. In NSW, the CDP has successfully...
How To Vote 1 CDP
Click Here for our Instructional Video showing how to Vote 1 CDP Click Here for our Candidates Click Here for our Policies
CDP Policies – Building Better Communities
Building Better Communities CDP - The Conservative Alternative 2016 Federal Election Campaign Download our CDP Building Better Communities FE16 brochure Download our CDP 2016 Federal Election Policies brochure Download a summary of our 6 Key...
CDP Candidates – Federal Election 2016
How To Vote Cards: NSW (scroll down for the 47 NSW House of Representative Candidates) ACT VIC TAS - Lyons, Franklin, Denison, Braddon, Bass SA WA NT QLD Senate Candidates: Lead Senate Candidate for NSW: Nella Hall ‘The CDP is the only party that holds true to my...
In Victoria, since 2010, the new and untested 'Safe Schools' program has been teaching children in many Government schools, about homosexuality and transgenderism in what they claim is an attempt to combat bullying. Children as young as 11 are forced to imagine and...
Media Statement: CDP’s Dr. Mark Imisides will be a strong voice for WA primary producers
Primary producers don’t have a voice in federal parliament, particularly those in WA. The party that should be representing them – the Nationals – have been missing in action, and at the coming Federal election their lead Senate candidate is a former Greens candidate....
Media Release: Religion ‘Soliciting’ children in state school?
Religion ‘Soliciting’ children in state school? The Christian Democratic Party has condemned the short-sighted decision of a Queensland school principal to suspend religion classes from his school. Wayne Solomon, the Christian Democrat’s Lead Senate Candidate in...
Media Statement – How to stop shark attacks in WA
MEDIA STATEMENT For Immediate Release Date: 8th June 2016 How to stop shark attacks in WA Dr Mark Imisides, the Christian Democrats’ Lead Senate Candidate in WA, applauds the West Australian’s decision to highlight the issue of shark attacks with a provocative front...
Christian Democratic Party (CDP) Federal Director Calls for a Coalition of Christian Parties
Immediate Release 7 July 2016 The Federal Director of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), Greg Bondar, says the time is right to opening up dialogue with ‘Christian’ based parties in Australia with a view to forming a Coalition of Christian Parties ideally under the...
The CDP party launch for the WA Senate Candidate for the upcoming Federal Election will be held at the City Church of Christ, 23/ 7 Aberdeen Street, Perth at 6.30pm on Sunday the 5th of June. This is your opportunity to meet the Rev. Hon Fred Nile MLC and our lead...