Reverend Fred Nile, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party has again stated that, if he is re-elected to the Senate on Saturday 28th March 2015, he will call for a Select Parliamentary Inquiry on the leasing of ‘poles and wires’.

“It is not just the local issues which are of concern. I stress that I am very concerned about foreign ownership. ‘Poles and wires’ are Australian assets, they belong to the people of NSW which is why ASIO should assess this proposed leasing to the Chinese Government” said Rev Fred Nile.

“It is the duty of the NSW State Government not to take the easy way out and sell it to the giant players, but to look to and exhaust all avenues here in Australia, even if it means multiple owners. It must still remain in Australian hands.

“The Parliamentary Inquiry will provide un-biased, independent facts on the proposed privatisation. It will make clear the positives and detriments of the leasing of this important public asset.

“It is imperative that the Government is totally transparent to the people of NSW. It is their asset which the Government proposes to lease. The CDP has always stated that the interests of the people should come before profit.

“The CDP will not support any leasing of ‘poles and wires’ until all our concerns are satisfied by the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry which I hope to Chair” said Rev Fred Nile.


Rev. Hon. Fred Nile ED., L.Th., M.L.C.

Parliamentary Leader, Christian Democratic Party
Parliament House, Macquarie Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000

Telephone: (02) 9230 2478 | Facsimile: (02) 9230 2098
Email: [email protected]

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