Rev Fred Nile supports NSW Teachers

Stands opposed to mass sackings

November 5, 2021

Dear Members and Supporters,

This coming Monday is a looming day of dread and anxiety for many thousands of teachers, support staff, parents and students across the State of New South Wales. From November 8 all teachers and support staff will be required to be double vaccinated or face termination.

As those familiar with school life would know November is a very busy and important time of year for both staff and student alike. Exams are taking place, reports are being compiled and end of year preparations are occurring. It is reported up to five thousand teaching staff across New South Wales will lose their jobs on Monday unless the Government changes course.

Poorer educational outcomes are inevitable if hardworking and passionate teachers are ripped out of the classroom and out of a job. Leaving aside the economic and mental strife of the teachers themselves it is the students that ultimately suffer.

I have written to the Premier, the Education Minister and the Health Minister and employing them to change direction. This unfair and unreasonable mandate must not come to pass.

Please sign and share our petition to save teachers in New South Wales. Send the State Government a message!

Yours faithfully,

Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC

CDP Parliamentary Leader

Media enquiries – 02 9230 2478


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