The Rev Fred Nile MLC, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party, strongly supports the other NSW Crossbench parties who have indicated their support for the reinstatement of medical services for injured workers and to open negotiations for the retrospectivity of compensation.

“It appears we were unaware of some important facts and I believe it is in the best interest of the NSW Government to right the wrong done to genuine people who have been disenfranchised by the outcome of the Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012.” said Rev Nile

More than 5000 injured workers have lost their workers’ compensation benefits since the NSW State Government overhauled the scheme in 2012, a new study has found. Up to 20,000 workers with long-term injuries have also lost their entitlements to medical benefits as a result of the 2012 cuts.  Many have been forced onto Centrelink benefits and have had to go without medical treatment for their injuries.

“The Christian Democratic Party hopes that this will be a priority upon the resumption of Parliament after the Election later this month” said Rev Fred Nile”.


Rev. Hon. Fred Nile ED., L.Th., M.L.C.

Parliamentary Leader, Christian Democratic Party
Parliament House, Macquarie Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000

Telephone: (02) 9230 2478 | Facsimile: (02) 9230 2098
Email: [email protected]


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