As the world marks International Women’s Day, on Sunday 8th March, Mrs Silvana Nero (Candidate for Wakehurst and proud wife of Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC) is taking a genuine action to improve the lives for women and END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN around the world.
Mrs Silvana Nero is a strong advocate for women and asks all female CDP Candidates to come together, dress in red and walk across the bridge to show that they will not stand for any further violence against women.
Every day millions of women and girls are violently attacked and don’t have the strength or voice to stand and stop the violence against them – Mrs Silvana Nero is that voice and wants to represent those who fear to stand for their right against this violence. With just a few weeks until the Election Mrs Silvana Nero believes International Women’s Day is about committing to actions that will make a real difference to the lives of women across the world, and within her electorate of Wakehurst.
‘Every woman has the right to feel safe in her own home and out and about in public, Every woman has the right to say no and should be respected for her decisions,’ says Mrs Silvana Nero
Mrs Silvana Nero says that on days of International significance, women across the world should get involved and make a tangible difference to the lives of women and girls who deserve to be loved and protected and celebrate life in peace and harmony
‘I ask my sisters in the party to get involved as individuals, as a family or as a team, and join me to take action and support the End of Violence Against Women!”
Please join Mrs Silvana Nero and wear a red item for your support (ie.t-shirt, scarf, head band or even paint your nails red!)
When: Sunday 8th March
Where: Meet Mrs Silvana Nero at Milson’s Point Station (Kirribilli side)
Wear: Red!
Time: 10am – midday.
Register here:
For more information, contact Media: Valerie Tarela (02 9633 3255)