Yesterday, debate resumed on the Crimes Amendment (Zoe’s Law) Bill 2017. Zoe’s Law was initially passed in the Lower House in 2013 but was never debated in the Upper House. The Bill’s reintroduction has reignited debate on proposed law reform that seeks to respond to the tragic death of the unborn baby of Brodie Donegan, who was hit by a drug-affected driver while walking in 2009. The Rev. The Hon. Fred Nile MLC makes the following comments:

·        “I thank Scot MacDonald for commending me for introducing this Bill, and I am grateful that Trevor Khan acknowledged that this Bill is not a ‘stalking horse’ to attack the current law on abortion.”

·        “The Christian Democratic Party has an unblemished legacy of defending life in NSW. Our position has not changed. But this Bill addresses a very specific problem.”

·        “Under the proposed law, mothers will have the right to decide whether or not prosecutions can be commenced for actions that result in the death of their unborn babies.”

·        “This humane and moral law will benefit the people, especially the mothers, of New South Wales.”

·        “I am open to the possibility of amending aspects of the Bill, under the condition that the objects and effect of its key provisions are not watered down beyond recognition.”

·        “Likewise, I welcome any Committee of Inquiry into the Bill, so long as that Inquiry is in good faith and not an underhanded vehicle to delay this necessary reform.”

14 October 2017

Media inquiries:  Rev. Fred Nile MLC:               (02) 9230 2478

The Rev. The Hon. Fred Nile MLC


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