Media Release
Unity in the NSW Legislative Council
September 23, 2021
The NSW Legislative Council has not formally met since June 24, 2021 due to the State Government’s refusal to send at least one Constitutionally required Minister or Parliamentary Secretary. The State Government has committed to a return on October 12, 2021, however this announcement is after months of broken assurances. I feel, this return is far from guaranteed.
In a rare but welcome display of unity, all non-Government Parties in the NSW Legislative Council have signed a cross-Party petition entitled ‘Restore Our Democracy’. The petition calls on the State Government to send their Ministers back to Parliament so essential Parliamentary business can resume.
This petition is addressed to the NSW Attorney General Hon Mark Speakman and the Governor of NSW Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC. The Governor of NSW has many roles but of relevance to this petition:
- Determining dates of Parliamentary sessions and elections
- Normally acts on the advice of Government but constitutional conventions do allow the Governor to take independent acts under some circumstances
The petition can be viewed via the below link:
Members Petition – Restore our Democracy
Yours faithfully,
Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC
CDP Parliamentary Leader
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02 9230 2478