Media Release

The future of Christians in Politics

Christ in Government (Fred Nile Alliance)

29th of March 2022

Dear Members, Supporters and Friends,

I have dedicated my life to being your Christian voice in NSW Parliament, it has been my calling, indeed my ministry since 1981.

Unfortunately, after forty one years in service to the people of New South Wales, the Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) has been wound up by the courts due to longstanding legal challenges and governance issues.

I would like to thank all those that tried so hard in the end to bring unity to the Party. I would also like to thank the countless number of Christians who prayed day and night for many months.
This has been a very long road.

Key governance issues in our Party as well as the character and intentions of members and supports of this Party have been misunderstood. The Party and the Members have been badly let down.
I unreservedly apologise and pledge that both myself and my office are open to you and pray that we can move forward together in Christ’s name.

However, this is not the end of Christians in politics but indeed a new beginning. I, along with my team, are registering a new political party, Christ in Government (Fred Nile Alliance).
As Christians we have a duty to be good neighbours to one another, to care for our communities and to honour our Lord God. Christians must be represented in politics and be active participants themselves or the tide of secular progressivism will continue unabated.

… and sometimes it is that one vote that matters.

We stopped the dangerous euthanasia Bill in 2017 and are taking a strong stance against its current reiteration.

We saw our Modern Slavery legislation pass in Parliament.

We unapologetically stand for the unborn.

We were crucial advocates for Aboriginal land rights.

We have the Sex-Selective Abortion Prohibition Bill before Parliament.

We have stood side by side with the Jewish community against hate recently updating the modern definition of anti-Semitism.


We need you, as friends, supporters, advocates and as activists to support our Christ in Government (Fred Nile Alliance) Christian Party.

Psalm 133 – “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”

More information will be made available soon.

God bless you all.

Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC
CDP Parliamentary Leader
Media enquiries – 02 9230 2478

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