Over the last few months of campaigning I have travelled across a lot of NSW with Fred Nile and Paul Green. We have been to Broken Hill, Wagga, Albury, Central Coast, Newcastle, Wollongong, Batemans Bay, Tweed Heads, Armidale and many other places. We have also held numerous meetings in the suburbs of Sydney. We have met with local counsellors, media, business groups, church leaders, CDP supporters, mums and dads and many members of the general public. At these meetings I believe one central theme has emerged.  The people of NSW and Australia are looking for an alternative to the major parties – they are looking to a party and politicians they can trust, who speak the truth in love, and who are prepared to stand up for the Christian values that have made our democracy what it is.  They hope for a better way.

The future challenge for the CDP is to be that party.  Of course we are already offering such an alternative buts its essential that we walk through the God given door of opportunity that is now before us and lift the CDP to new political heights.  Recent voting patterns and pre-selections in NSW show that the Liberal/National coalition on the whole is moving more to the left on moral issues. CDP alone offers a guarantee Yes vote on the issues that are at the forefront of this campaign. It’s time to say Yes to traditional marriage; Yes to a community that is committed to serious gambling reform; Yes to the dignity and worth of all Australians whether they be in the womb or elderly; Yes to the right of the worker to the public holidays of Christmas, Boxing Day and Easter; Yes to one Law code in this country (no Sharia low or compulsory Halal); Yes to those on the land to ensure our agricultural base is protected (and coal seam gas is restricted); Yes to smoke-free environments; Yes to SRE and chaplaincy in schools being protected, maintained and enhanced; Yes to ensuring our State government stops cost-shifting; Yes to making Sydney and other cities safe at night through the reduction of alcohol outlets and reduction of hotel trading hours. Only CDP is the party that can yes to all these essential priorities.

I personally look forward to the day when CDP has Lower House seats – State and Federal, that we have at least doubled our numbers in the NSW Legislative Council, and we have a number of Senators.  We must be active in all states.  This NSW election is the key – a really strong showing will give us the momentum to build on our God given task. We have excellent candidates in both the Lower and Upper Houses, for this NSW election and I believe God will do great things.  Australia needs CDP – it’s time to fully support this ministry.


Ross Clifford

Deputy Senior President of the Christian Democratic Party

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