Compassion never kills
Euthanasia vote next Thursday
The clock is ticking
November 19, 2021
Dear Members and Supporters,
I was honoured to be invited to speak at the pro-life Compassion Never Kills rally yesterday afternoon. We met behind NSW Parliament in the Domain. The demonstration was chiefly organised by Dr Brendan Long, CEO of Right to Life NSW. The rally was a marvellous success and I thank Dr Long for his efforts. The rally was professionally emceed by Family Voice State Director Greg Bondar.
The list of speakers were from all political persuasions, multi-denominational and also drew from medical and aged care associations. Speakers included:
Australian Christian Lobby, Nikki Aben
Member for Riverstone, Kevin Conolly
Member for Fairfield, Guy Zangari
Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher
Anglican Bishop Michael Stead
Health Professionals Say No, Professor Maria Cigolini
Hammond Care, Professor Andrew Cole
And of course myself.
After speeches the many hundreds who attended marched down Hospital road, blocked traffic on Macquarie Street and looped back to our original meeting place. Drums were banged, chants were had and the people of Sydney took notice. Parliament heard us. Members and Staff certainly did as many curious faces looked out the office windows of the Parliamentary precinct.
I note that the vote on euthanasia, that was originally expected today, will instead occur on Thursday the 25th of November. Supporters of life have one short week to convince their local Members of Parliament to stop this dangerous Bill, defend life and demand support for our vulnerable rather than suicide.
Should this dangerous Bill come before the Legislative Council I will oppose it and call upon my honourable colleagues to do the same.
Compassion never kills.
Yours faithfully,
Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC
CDP Parliamentary Leader
Media enquiries – 02 9230 2478