The Rev Fred Nile MP, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party, shared the sad memories of his visit to the Auschwitz Nazi Concentration camp in Poland ten years ago, during the current commemorations of the liberation of the Camp on 28th February 1945.
“I will never forget my sad experience of walking through the Camp and inspecting the historic evidence of the murder of 1.1 million Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz, part of the 6 million Jews who were murdered during World War II by the Nazi regime.
“Over 75,000 Poles also died at Auschwitz, as well as 20,000 gypsies and other innocent persons.
“I will never forget the huge storage sheds that have been left as they were found with the remains and possessions of the Jewish prisoners. One was full of hundreds of artificial limbs, another of the shorn hair of the women and another of suitcases etc” said Rev Nile.
“We also saw the gas chambers and furnaces that the Nazis tried to destroy to conceal any evidence of their inhuman atrocities.
“During the Commemoration 300 survivors of Auschwitz Nazi Concentration Camp, some wearing scarfs in the blue and white stripes of their death camp uniforms, joined with the world leaders.
“Many world leaders have pledged never to forget yet anti-Semitic acts in France, home to Europe’s largest Jewish population, have doubled over the last year to 851, including the Islamic terrorist murder of Jews at the Jewish Kosher Supermarket in Paris on 7th January 2015” said Rev Nile, MP, leader of the Christian Democratic Party.