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Christian Democratic Party (CDP)
Will help us Protect our Aussie Rights, Laws and Values!
34 successful years of service
Australians can’t risk losing their Christian values and rights.
The Christian Democratic Party is committed to protecting and enhancing our Aussie way of life!
- Defend our Australian Rights, Laws and Values
- Support a Select Parliamentary Inquiry on leasing poles and wires, energy cost benefits to the community and job protection.
- Support one Australian Law code for ALL Australians
- -No Islamic Sharia Law
- -No Islamic halal food tax
- Oppose same sex marriage
- Increase prison sentencing for child abuse and support Brave hearts
- Tighten laws for drug dealing and for criminal/terrorist activity
- Protect our farmers and Agriculture land from Coal Seam Gas mining
- Making our streets safe from violence
- Support our Christian way of life including scripture classes and Chaplains in our Public Schools.
- Protect worker’s rights to Christian Public Holidays including Christmas and Easter
- Supporting small business keeping Aussie industry and jobs in Australia.
For 34 years the Christian Democratic Party has been committed to defending Aussie Family Values, Laws and Rights.
Contact Us
02 9633 3255 or 1300 667 975
02 9687 5848
[email protected]
PO Box 8456, Parramatta Westfield NSW 2150