The CDP NSW Management Committee has called a Constitutional Convention for Saturday 20th August 2016 at the Annual Convention to consider proposed amendments to the NSW State Branch Constitution, in accordance with Clause 21 of the Constitution.
The last Constitutional Convention was held Saturday 14th November 2009.
As per Clause 21.3 the amendments proposed by the Constitution Review Committee have been incorporated into a ‘new’ Draft Constitution which is available for download and review by members. The current Constitution is available for download here.
The only Agenda Item on the Constitutional Convention will be the adoption of the proposed amendments to the Constitution. The Agenda can be downloaded here.
Please note that under the Constitution Clause 21.2 the voting members at the Constitutional Convention will be:
- Two (2) delegates from each CDP Electorate Branch, and
- All NSW State Electorate Coordinators
Delegates should advise CDP Head Office of their attendance beforehand where possible.
Under Clause 9.4 of the Constitution ‘Approved Observers’ may attend.
Issued by:
Greg Bondar
NSW State Secretary (Acting)
3 August 2016