The Rev Fred Nile MP, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party, has condemned the destructive attack on the statue of the Virgin Mary at St Charbel Church at Punchbowl, during the morning of 29th January 2015.

Rev Fred Nile with Bishop Antoine Charbel Tarabay and Rev Joseph Sleiman
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Rev Fred Nile welcomed by Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay and Rev Joseph Sleiman at St Charbel Church



“I believe there is truth in the suspicion that this attack was carried out by Islamic radicals who opposed the special Middle East Youth Service, which was held later that night, to pray for Christians who were being persecuted and murdered by the Islamic State in Iraq” said Rev Fred Nile.

Mr Nile said that he was pleased to be invited to address the Middle Eastern Christian Young Men following the Service.


St Charbels BBQ Meeting
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Rev Fred Nile speaking to the Middle Eastern Christian young men at the St Charbel barbecue meeting, with other participants


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