The National President of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), The Rev. Hon Fred Nile MLC, is today formally announcing that the CDP is fielding candidates across Australia at the next Federal Election in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
Australians have already started looking for alternative voting options to the mainstream political parties at future elections.
The Christian Democratic Party (CDP) is the only minor party which has a proven track record spanning 34 years and which currently holds the balance of power in the NSW Upper House. The CDP is also the only genuine conservative alternative for millions of disillusioned voters who supported Tony Abbott at the 2013 Federal Election.
The CDP will be fielding candidates across Australia for the 2016 Federal Elections and is currently calling for additional candidates interested in nominating as a Federal Candidate.
“The CDP is the only true conservative alternative for all Australians. Voting ‘Liberal’ is akin to voting ‘Labor’ under the current Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,” said Rev. Nile.
The CDP is actively finalising its candidates in all States and Territories.