Our future is under lockdown
Your liberty is at stake and our democracy is suspended
Isaiah 10:1-4 – Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees
There is great fear, anger and dismay in the Australian community regarding the management of Covid-19. We are business owners, workers, families, pensioners, students and more. We are Australians of the Great Southern Land of the Holy Spirit.
Many of us are concerned about threats to our liberty and faith, these include:
• The closure of Churches
• Mandatory or coerced vaccination
• Vaccine passports and other forms of discrimination
• Lockdown restrictions
The worsening of lockdowns is destroying our economic future. This is about putting food on the table for our families, keeping the roof over our heads and paying our bills. We are faced with bankruptcy and destitution because of the State and Federal Government’s unjustified lockdown.
With rising case Covid-19 case numbers, there is no end to the lockdowns in sight. Hope is fading and anger in the community is rising. When our businesses close then the jobs will go.
Research shows that when unemployment rises the following occurs:
• Mental health issues rise
• Substance abuse rises
• Domestic violence rises
• Crime rises
This lockdown is not in the interests of the Australian community.
Minister for Customer Service and Digital Transformation Victor Dominello gleefully displayed himself on Facebook holding an Australian Passport with the caption ‘vaccine passport’ emblazoned on the front. There was no public consultation on this or even with Cabinet. The creation of a ‘vaccine-caste’ system of unvaccinated versus vaccinated is immoral, unethical and undemocratic. This approach is making lepers out of the unvaccinated.
No Australian worker should lose their job if they refuse this jab. There are many ethical, religious and medical reasons why they will not or cannot receive this jab. This basic human right must be honoured, protected and respected.
Due to the lockdown the NSW Parliament is unable to sit. It has not been able to sit since late June 2021.
This means many things, but most importantly it means that your elected representatives are unable to introduce or pass legislation.
In effect, a core and vital function of our democracy has been suspended without a clear return date. Meanwhile, the Attorney General has been awarded powers that allow him to determine regulations on any law that the Government desires.
This is an appalling legislative precedent.
The Government is here to serve the people. You are the people. We are asking you to make a stand and speak up. Join us to make a stand with the Christian Democratic Party and many others politicians, academics, medical professionals and ordinary Australians in protecting your liberties and your future.
Please sign and share our petition below. You can make a difference for our country and be part of the change you want to see.
Mark 3:25 “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand”

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