We’re (not) all in this together

Executive privilege trumps fairness for families

September 7, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns have separated families across the nation. I, like millions of other Australians were unable to see family on Father’s Day as we remained compliant with the Public Health Orders.

I was very disappointed to see that the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and other members of the Federal Government were provided travel exemptions to the public health orders in order to see their own families. The message this sends is that their own families are more important than the rest of Australia.

Family is the centre of any Father’s life and I am pleased to see that members of the Federal Government care about their families. I do not think it unreasonable however that we all live by the same rules. Australia is an egalitarian society, our political leaders would do well to know that.

We are frequently told by State and Federal Government that ‘we are all in this together’, the example set by the Prime Minister is the opposite.

Yours faithfully,


Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC

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