Week in review

NSW Parliament concludes for the year

NSW Greens vote down anti-Semitism protections

Legislative Assembly votes through Euthanasia


November 29, 2021

Dear Members and Supporters,

The Parliament of New South Wales has concluded for the year. The Legislative Assembly returns on the 15th of February 2022 whereas the Legislative Council returns on the 22nd of February 2022. The celebration of Christmas, that is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ was born into the world, is a Parliamentary tradition. Since 2007 I have hosted the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary who set up a Christmas Nativity Scene in the Parliamentary Fountain Court. I give thanks to the good Sisters for their continued efforts.

I was pleased to move a Notice of Motion urging the Legislative Council to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism. As ‘modern’ Nazis and other anti-Semites have evolved their tactics and strategies so must all free and fair folk opposed to such evil. This week I moved this motion as Formal Business which if unopposed would have meant the definition be formally accepted. Shockingly the NSW Greens voted against the Motion and now this definition will be debated and voted on in February 2022.

The Legislative Assembly saw the passage of the dangerous Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 (euthanasia). I would like to personally thank the below members of Parliament for some 160 amendments they proposed to the Bill:

Member for Riverstone – Kevin Conolly

Member for Mulgoa – Tanya Davies

Member for Wollondilly – Nathaniel Smith

Member for Fairfield – Guy Zangari

Member for Cronulla – Mark Speakman

This is not the first time it has passed the Legislative Assembly. The Bill will come before the Legislative Council in 2022 where I will work to see its defeat.

Yours faithfully,

Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC

CDP Parliamentary Leader

02 9230 2478

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