Rev Fred Nile dis-endorses Lyle Shelton
September 10, 2021
Due to irreconcilable differences Rev Fred Nile has dis-endorsed Mr Lyle Shelton as his successor.
“I do not agree nor have supported many of Mr Shelton’s opinions that he has shared on his Facebook Page and his E News. Lyle often acted without consultation with my team.”
“Consequently, I do not feel comfortable that he succeed me.”
“I had high hopes for Mr Shelton and am sorry it has come to this. As a result of this division, I have sought God’s guidance. Therefore, I will complete my democratically elected term as a Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) of NSW until the next State Election in 2023 “ said Nile.
Yours faithfully,
Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC
CDP Parliamentary Leader
Media enquiries – 02 9230 2478