Media Release
Rev Nile to introduce legislation banning sex selective abortion

September 10, 2021

As science advances we are learning more about early life in the human womb and the tide is turning against the vile ‘medical’ operation known as abortion.

I welcome news that in Texas abortion is now banned once an unborn child’s heartbeat is heard in the Mother’s womb. This is an extremely positive step in the right direction and I applaud Governor Abbott for his perseverance in making this bill a reality for the unborn in Texas.

Around the world however much more needs to be done.

Sex-selective abortion is common in China, India and South Korea. As a result there is oversupply of men to the tune of 10-20% which has left entire generations with slim possibilities of love, care and future family. While uncommon it is not rare or illegal for sex-selection abortions to occur in NSW, the killing of unborn girls is defended under the banner of women’s liberation, the hypocrisy is lost or ignored.

Released this week was a report by NSW Health into sex-selective abortion, it showed that 9.8% of abortion providers had been asked to perform a sex-selective abortion.

Upon the return of NSW Parliament I will be introducing a bill to amend the Abortion Law Reform Act (2019) to ban sex-selective abortion in NSW.

Yours faithfully,
Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC
CDP Parliamentary Leader
Media enquiries
02 9230 2478

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