Week in review
NSW Legislative Council Resumes Sittings
Euthanasia – Vaccine Compensation – Religious Freedom
February 26, 2022
Wednesday saw the Second Reading Speech for Alex Greenwich’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 by Labor MLC Hon Adam Searle. This Bill is deadly and dangerous and I, along with many others of the Legislative Council will oppose the Bill and God-willing vote it down. For now, there are more signatures opposed to euthanasia than there are in favour. If you haven’t already signed the petition opposing this dangerous Bill then please do so.
Petition – Please unanimously reject the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021
Disappointingly, the Government and Opposition voted down my Public Health Amendment (Vaccine Compensation) Bill 2021. This Bill would have been provided meaningful compensation to workers impacted by mandatory or coerced vaccines by their employers. The good news is that my Bill brought upon change from the Federal Parliament and some financial compensation for those impacted now exists.
Worse still, the Government and Opposition also voted down Hon Mark Latham’s Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020. The failure of the Liberal National Coalition and the expected secularism of Labor shows why there is great need for a Christian Voice in Parliament.
On Friday I hosted film maker Hugh Kitson and his documentary ‘Whose Land? – Part 1’. In the documentary; Richard Kemp, together with a group of historians and international lawyers, examines the conflicting claims of the Palestinians and the Israelis through the eyes of verifiable history and international law. If you would like to view this documentary please visit the ‘Whose Land?’ website.
Yours faithfully,
Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC
CDP Parliamentary Leader
Media enquiries – 02 9230 2478