Lead Senate Candidate for Western Australia: Dr Mark Imisides

Dr Mark Imisides endorsed as the lead Senate Candidate in the WA for the Federal Election.

The Christian Democratic Party (CDP) has endorsed Dr Imisides, a career scientist and WA resident since 1996.  His background includes teaching in universities, industrial experience in chemical manufacturing, environmental and waste management, and consulting to various government departments and private firms.

Dr Imisides brings a strong ‘Conservative’ approach to WA with a view to countering the green/left agenda

One of the major issues Dr Imisides will address in the Senate is the burdensome swathe of unnecessary and pointless compliance costs brought about by kowtowing to green interest groups through the overregulation of non-critical environmental issues.  Environmental issues should be addressed by people with sound unbiased scientific background and not by green scaremongering and uninformed activist groups.

Of major concern is the Carbon Tax which places an unnecessary burden on manufacturers, farmers, and families using electricity.  Dr Imisides is also set to address misinformation about climate change on which science has given away to political correctness.

Another area of concern is the fact that WA farmers are pressured by self-interest groups who wish to ban certain pesticides or live exports or seek to place burdens on farmers that are economically unrealistic. Serious damage has already been caused to stone fruit growers because of the banning of Fenthion, against all the scientific evidence.  We have seen Narrogin beef farmers (the Thompsons) forced off their property by over regulation of environmental policies that was brought to bear by a self-interested minority group.  We have also seen thousands of tonnes of perfectly good fruit being discarded because of the decision by major supermarket suppliers to source their fruit from the east coast or internationally.

If elected to the Senate, Dr Imisides will be a voice for primary producers, a voice that they do not currently have, and have never had, not even form the Nationals. Moreover, he will uphold traditional family a values, and will support the overturning of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. He will also oppose the creeping influence of Islam in our culture and value system, an agenda that has been assisted by the ‘left-leaning’ media.

For 35 years the CDP has stood for Aussie values and traditions, job and national security, industry protection, infrastructure enhancement, better healthcare, workplace equality and One Law for all Australians.


Dr Mark Imisides

Dr Mark Imisides

Lead Senate Candidate for WA

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